Ein Hauch von Reinheit
durch die Meditation versuchen wir Reinheit in den Gedanken, im Wesen und im Handeln zu erlangen. So erblühte in mir vor kurzem folgendes Jahreszeiten-Gedicht in englischer Sprache.
Spring arrives.
Little flowers show their gentle faces
Their pure fragrance – filled with joy and life-strength.
The sun is out:
High time for a spring-clearing at home!
Windows, cupboards, piled-up corners –
I love the process and I so much love the freshness and cleanliness afterwards!
To complete the purification, I go around with frankincense.
I air the room and energise my place by setting up new herbs and resins.
The change is so tangible and so necessary..
I sit down in meditation.
Inhaling, breathing, focusing on my heart.
A wave of purity and stillness enter into my mind, embracing my entire being.
I imagine a newborn child’s face.
How sweet, how loving it is!
I see no doubt, no sorrow, no fear –
There is all but a divine and pure existence.
A summer-hike brings me to a mountain-lake.
It is clear, it is cold, it is filled with poise
I pause, I glance and breathe in its purest consciousness.
Autumn-leaves dance.
The wind blows strongly.
It seems to transform and purify all energies unwanted.
A winter-evening.
Silent snowflakes.
Purity touches the ground – peace covers the world.
Alles Liebe,
Deine Tirtha
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